Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Poem: Show Me Your Wonders

Take me to the sea, its where I want to be, to feel close to you. Let me know what is true. I hear the waves as they bathe the ocean floor. May all I think be pure. Take me to the woods, to know what is good. Bring me closer to you. Show me something new. Listen to the birds. They praise all of your words. Take me to see the sand. Each grain was formed by your hand. Lord, let me know you. Show me what to do. The ant so small even knows you own it all Take me to the rain, let it wash away all my pain. Teach me to trust in you in all I do. One drop at a time, you wash away all the grime. Take me to see all of your wonders from way up high to down under. I want you. Make me new. O Lord, train me to save the lost and not care what it might cost. Take me to the least of these. Let us fall to our knees. Let us know you. Make us new. Let your truth be known because we are not yet grown. We need you O Lord. Show us your word. Show us what is true and that we may belong to you.

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